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Solid Sale Of 7 Year Paper Ends Streak Of Poor Treasury Auctions

Solid Sale Of 7 Year Paper Ends Streak Of Poor Treasury Auctions

Following two disappointing auctions earlier this week when first the 2Y and then the 5Y auctions either demonstrated a substantial drop off in bid-side interest or priced wildly through the when issued, we said to await today's 7Y auction for the true picture of demand for primary paper, as the first auction took place when Europe was out for Easter vacation, and the second one took place just as Yellen speaking at the Economic Club yesterday.

The End Of Europe As We Know It?

Submitted by Dan Steinbock via The Difference Group,

As the Eurozone is amid secular stagnation, its old fiscal, monetary and banking challenges are escalating, along with new threats, including the Brexit, demise of Schengen, anti-EU opposition and geopolitical friction. According to Dan Steinbock, Brussels can no longer avoid hard political decisions for or against an integrated Europe, with or without the euro.

World’s Largest Asset Manager Likes “Inflation Linked Bonds and Gold As Diversifiers”

World’s Largest Asset Manager Likes “Inflation Linked Bonds and Gold As Diversifiers”

BlackRock Inc. have joined Pacific Investment Management Co. (PIMCO) in recommending inflation linked bonds and gold, warning costs are poised to pick up and there is a growing risk of inflation.

“We like inflation-linked bonds and gold as diversifiers” said New York-based BlackRock which is the world’s largest asset manager, managing $4.6 trillion, reported Bloomberg.



Frontrunning: March 30

  • Bad News Is Great News: Cautious Yellen drives world stocks near 2016 peaks (Reuters)
  • Yellen Spurs Global Stock Rally as Oil Rebounds, Dollar Tumbles (BBG)
  • Trump drops pledge to back Republican presidential nominee other than himself (Reuters)
  • Second judge says Clinton email setup may have been in 'bad faith' (Reuters)
  • Brussels Airport Remains Shut as Police Hunt Third Attacker (BBG)
  • Europe Traders Aren't Waiting Around to See If Rebound Holds (BBG)
  • Western Digital Bond Sale Is Test for Junk Market (WSJ)
