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Holiday Market Summary

With all of Europe and the Americas closed for holiday, what little market action there was overnight came out of Asia, where China once again was engaged in its last hour "National Team" market manipulation, which saved the SHCOMP from a red close after the now traditional last hour buying spree, pushed the Shanghai Composite from red on the session an hour before close to near the highs of the day.

Gaddafi Warned The World About ISIS Invasion Of Europe In 2011

In 2011 Gaddafi, his son, and his cousin all warned the world about the troubles Europe would face in the coming years – but nobody would listen.  Gaddafi warned about the migrant crisis and about the trouble ISIS would pose to the West. Below are a selection of quotes from Gaddafi and his family taken from various mainstream news sources: Gaddafi himself: “They [jihadis] want to control the Mediterranean and then they will attack Europe.” “The Mediterranean will become a sea of chaos.” “I am shocked at the attitude of my European friends.

Recognize the Islamic State

Few would deny that the recent horrors in Brussels demand action, beginning, certainly, with a thoroughgoing purge of Belgian security and intelligence agencies. Other proposed remedies are shambolic, meaningless, or simply farcical, such as the idea of police patrolling “Muslim areas” in the U.S. (Which areas? Where? With what goal?) I would suggest, though, that one urgent priority is for the U.S. and its European allies to consider immediate political and diplomatic recognition of the Islamic State. Let me explain the grounds for that proposal.

The Biggest Short

The Biggest Short

Authored by's Robert Gore via The Burning Platform blog,

Some reversals of financial trends prove so momentous they define the generation in which they occur. The stock market crash in 1929 kicked off the Great Depression, which ushered in the welfare and then the warfare state and redefined the relationship between government and citizens.
