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ISIS: Future Attacks Require No ‘Authorisation’ From Our Leaders

ISIS have issued a statement following the attack in Brussels, saying that they intend to commit to further numerous small-scale attacks in Belgium and Europe – without the need for centralised coordination or authority from their leaders.  ISIS say that individual militants and cells are now free to operate semi-independently – opening the gates for many more spontaneous attacks throughout Europe.

ISIS Sends 400 Specially Trained Fighters To Unleash "Wave Of Bloodshed" In Europe

ISIS Sends 400 Specially Trained Fighters To Unleash "Wave Of Bloodshed" In Europe

Earlier today, we brought you the official statement in which ISIS claims responsibility for the attacks that left 34 people dead in Brussels on Tuesday. The group promises “black days for all crusader nations” and an attack “more devastating and bitter” than those that have come before (“Allah permitting,” of course).
