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Futures Lower On Lack Of China Stimulus; Oil Squeeze Continues; Gold Spikes Ahead Of ECB

Futures Lower On Lack Of China Stimulus; Oil Squeeze Continues; Gold Spikes Ahead Of ECB

In the aftermath of last week's disappointing G-20 Shanghai summit, there was much riding on this weekend's start of the China's People's Congress, and specifically what if any stimulus announcement Beijing will make; sadly for stimulus addicts China mostly disappointed and after the unimaginative scope of growth proposals, it is hardly surprising that European stocks and US equity futures have taken a leg lower, even if Chinese stocks rose and certain commodities such as Iron Ore soared overnight on hopes China will either "rationalize" capacity or at least build some more roads to nowhere

Paul Craig Roberts: Murder Is Washington's Foreign Policy

Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

Washington has a long history of massacring people, for example, the destruction of the Plains Indians by the Union war criminals Sherman and Sheridan and the atomic bombs dropped on Japanese civilian populations, but Washington has progressed from periodic massacres to fulltime massacring. From the Clinton regime forward, massacre of civilians has become a defining characteristic of the United States of America.

Germany Bans Pork In Fear Of Muslim Refugees

German officials have banned the serving of ham and bacon at schools and cafeterias in fear of offending refugees. Muslims and Jews do not eat pork if they are religiously inclined. The recent influx of refugees escaping wars and economic famine has inundated Germany and Europe. Chancellor Angela Merkel initially welcomed the refugees by giving them a nod and a wink. Now that they have arrived, they seem to reveal themselves to be mostly rapists and economic migrants looking out for their own selfish selves, according to the media.
