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Britain Could Spark WW3 If It Votes To Leave EU Says Brussels Chief

The European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker has warned that Britain could spark World War Three if it votes to leave the European Union. In an astonishing outburst the leader even warned voters not to repeat the “enormous stupidity” of two world wars. He accused Brexit voters of forgetting the role that the EU had played in the years since the Second World War and even suggested that eurosceptics visit war graves to try and avoid a breakdown in peace between nations.

Why The 'Cashless Society' Has Become The New Wet Dream Of Governments And Central Bankers

Why The 'Cashless Society' Has Become The New Wet Dream Of Governments And Central Bankers


We have heard a lot of chatter about a potential negative interest rate policy, and whilst the general market consensus in the USA is still expecting to see at least two rate hikes by the Federal Reserve before the end of this year, the situation is completely different in Japan and in Europe. The Japanese central bank was the first central bank to openly discuss a potential negative interest rate in an attempt to boost the country’s economy again, but the grand scheme of things seems to be going much further than that.

Europe Stays Silent As Turkey Butchers Its Kurds

NATO member Turkey is using the opportunity of the conflict in Syria to finish off  the genocide of all ethnic minorities in the country which they started with the Greeks and Armenians in the 20th century. Now Turkey seems set to do the same against the Kurdish population in its Southeast, and the silence from Europe is deafening. Russia Insider reports: It appears the EU and Turkey have reached a blood bargain – if the Euros look the other way on the Kurdish “problem,” Erdogan will cut refugee flows into Europe.

Voices Of Reason In An Unreasonable World - Meet The Free-Market Economist That Stood Up To Hitler

In the current time of unprecedented central-planner-focused monetary-policy experimentation and a growing bias towards collectivist and socialist attitudes, the similarities to what Wilhelm Ropke - the European economist who stood up to Hitler - had some seemingly ominous and prescient persepctives in 1933 before everything collapsed:
