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"No Signs Of Recession" Says Agency That Always Fails To Predict Recession

Submitted by Simon Black via,

In the middle of a heated battle against my jetlag yesterday, I finally decided to exercise the nuclear option and turn on CNBC in order to stay awake.

I figured someone would say something completely ridiculous, and it would get my blood boiling enough to power through the next couple of hours.

Within minutes I saw a top economist for Moody’s (one of the largest rating agencies in the world) saying that there are absolutely zero signs of recession.

Things Have Actually WORSENED Since the Feb Bounce Began

Things Have Actually WORSENED Since the Feb Bounce Began

What a different four weeks makes.

Four weeks ago, the S&P 500 had just taken out critical support. Everyone was panicking that the market was about to implode.


1.     At that time, China was continuing to devalue the Yuan as its economy collapsed.


2.     Europe was tumbling based on Draghi’s inability to generate inflation.


3.     The US economy was rolling over sharply as deflation arose courtesy of US Dollar strength and a Fed rate hike.

