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"There Is Definitely Something Strange Going On" In Sweden

Submitted by Erico Matias Tavares via Sinclair & Co.,

Dr. Tino Sanandaji is an economics researcher at the Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden. He holds a PhD from the University of Chicago. A Kurd from Iran who moved to Sweden at the age of 9, he has written extensively about immigration policy as a researcher and contributor to prominent Swedish journals such as the National Review and Real tid.

Steen Jakobsen Explains What Brexit Really Means: "No Good Outcomes To This"

Steen Jakobsen Explains What Brexit Really Means: "No Good Outcomes To This"

Authored by Saxobank CIO Steen Jakobsen, via,

  • Cameron's EU deal is far short of what he promised
  • This represents formal acceptance of a two-tier Europe
  • Populists elsewhere already calling for their own referendums
  • By October, Cameron and Merkel could be history and Le Pen's star shining

 No wonder David Cameron looks worried.  

WTI Surges Above $33 Despite IEA 'Glutter'-For-Longer Warnings

WTI Surges Above $33 Despite IEA 'Glutter'-For-Longer Warnings

WTI crude prices are up almost 6% this morning with April (the new front-month) trading above $33.50 - testing post-DOE plunge stops. The irony of the ramp is that it comes amid terrible global PMIs (demand), a report from IEA of oil staying in glut for longer than expected (supply), and warnings from Abu Dhabi's biggest bank that $20 oil is possible. Oh well, we are sure the algos know what they are doing... despite veterans of the 1980s oil glut warning it could take 7 to 10 years to emerge from the current slump.

Silicon Valley's Business Model In Jeopardy As Wireless Carriers Start Blocking Online Ads

Until recently, ad blocking - the biggest threat to every Silicon Valley ad-driven business model - was largely a peripheral concern stemming from such companies as AdBlock, which was recently snapped up by a "mystery buyer" while ad-driven quasi-monopolies such as Google pay comparable adblockers to allow their ads through.

TTIP Deal Could Mean ‘Irreversible Privatisation’ Of NHS

According to legal experts, the controversial transatlantic trade deal between the US and Europe could make it impossible for future governments to reverse the privatisation of parts of Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) New Legal advice prepared by one of the UK’s leading QCs on European law for the Unite trade union, will reveal on Monday that it has been holding talks with the government about the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) deal between Europe and the US.
