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The Ban On Cash Is Coming... Soon!

Submitted by Simon Black via,

This is starting to become very concerning.

The momentum to “ban cash”, and in particular high denomination notes like the 500 euro and $100 bills, is seriously picking up steam.

On Monday the European Central Bank President emphatically disclosed that he is strongly considering phasing out the 500 euro note.

Yesterday, former US Treasury Secretary Larry Summers published an op-ed in the Washington Post about getting rid of the $100 bill.

"Ultimate Banking" Monopoly Edition Goes Completely Cashless

"Ultimate Banking" Monopoly Edition Goes Completely Cashless

Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

The war on cash has been in the works for a very, very long time, but the propaganda campaign to convince an always gullible public to accept the scheme seems to have been hatched in earnest late last spring. For example, here are a few excerpts from the post, Martin Armstrong Reports on a Secret Meeting in London to Ban Cash:

Martin Armstrong noted at the time:

The Gold Spoofer Is Back

The Gold Spoofer Is Back

Overnight action saw gold jerked lower as Europe opened and Asia closed. Thanks to Nanex, we now see 'how' this occurred as the "gold spoofer" has returned. Once the spoofer disappeared, gold has rallied back up to the overnight highs... rigged?

75 gold futures contracts used to "spoof" prices lower...

Via Nanex

And once the spoofer left the building...


It seems $1200 is the line in the sand once again.
