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The End Is Nigh For Europe As Officials Mull 2 Year Schengen "Suspension"

The End Is Nigh For Europe As Officials Mull 2 Year Schengen "Suspension"

Well, no one can say the writing wasn't on the wall. 

With Europe at a complete and total loss as to how to deal with the bloc's worst refugee crisis since World War II, countries have increasingly adopted their own, ad hoc "solutions" which include razor wire anti-migrant fences in Hungary and the suspension of Schengen in Austria, where the backlash against asylum seekers is growing more palpable by the day. 

JPM's Striking Forecast: ECB Could Cut Rates To -4.5%; BOJ To -3.45%; Fed To -1.3%

JPM's Striking Forecast: ECB Could Cut Rates To -4.5%; BOJ To -3.45%; Fed To -1.3%

One week ago, in the aftermath of Japan joining the NIRP club, we wondered how low Kuroda could cut rates if he was so inclined. The answer was surprising: according to a Nomura analysis the lower bound was limited by gold storage costs. This is what the Japanese bank, whose profit was recently slammed by Japan's ultra low rates, said:

Profit At World's Largest Shipping Company Plunges On Collapsing Global Trade, Sinking Crude Prices

Profit At World's Largest Shipping Company Plunges On Collapsing Global Trade, Sinking Crude Prices

Back in November, Nils Smedegaard Andersen, CEO of Maersk, the world’s largest shipping company, gave the world a reality check when it comes to global growth and trade.

“The world’s economy is growing at a slower pace than the International Monetary Fund and other large forecasters are predicting” Andersen told Bloomberg. "We believe that global growth is slowing down [and that] trade is currently significantly weaker than it normally would be under the growth forecasts we see."
