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European Sovereign Risk Soars As Bank Contagion Spreads

European Sovereign Risk Soars As Bank Contagion Spreads

The ECB's "whatever it takes" ponzi strategy of keeping the dream alive in Europe's financial system has finally been caught as rapid collapse in the banking system is contagiously spreading to peripheral sovereigns once again. Portugal risk spreads are up 120bps in the last 3 weeks and Spain and Italy are soaring over 35 and 50bps respectively as the almost self-dealing nature of banks buying "risk-free" EU bonds and repoing for cash via The ECB comes home to roost...



Nine Dead, Hundreds Injured As German Trains Collide Head On

Nine Dead, Hundreds Injured As German Trains Collide Head On

Germany may be careening towards a head on-collision when it comes to Europe’s worsening migrant crisis, but tragically, the country had a very real fatal train wreck on Tuesday when two commuter trains crashed near Bad Aibling, in Bavaria.

Just before 7 a.m. two regional trains collided on a rail line which Bloomberg notes "is commonly used by commuters heading to work in Munich, and would normally also carry children traveling to school."
