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European Union

The End Of "The End Of History" - US Mid-East Policy's Fork In The Road

The End Of "The End Of History" - US Mid-East Policy's Fork In The Road

Authored by Tom Luongo,

In 1989 Francis Fukayama declared that we had reached “The End of History.”  Democracy as a form of government would, in fact, be the end of the evolution of human interaction.  The West had triumphed and that the rest was ‘just a chase scene,’ to borrow a phrase from Neal Stephenson’s brilliant dystopian novel “Snow Crash.”

Frontrunning: November 10

  • Trump Declares New World-Trade Order (WSJ)
  • Trump brings tough trade message in vision for Asia (Reuters)
  • Trump Offers Trade to Asian Nations But Only If They Play Fair (BBG)
  • Flynn Probed Over Alleged Plan to Send Back Turkish Cleric (WSJ)
  • GOP’s Dueling Tax Overhauls Struggle to Pass a Key Red Ink Test (BBG)
  • Trump's CNN attacks may hobble legal case to block AT&T-Time Warner deal (Reuters)
  • Bigger Than Black Friday, Alibaba’s ‘Singles Day’ Faces Fatigue in China (WSJ)

Cable Dumps'n'Pumps As EU Official Says No Brexit Talks Breakthrough

Cable Dumps'n'Pumps As EU Official Says No Brexit Talks Breakthrough

Brexit talks yielded no breakthrough on the financial settlement, and discussions focused on the issue of citizens’ rights, where the two sides are hoping for progress, an EU official told reporters.

Bloomberg notes that the anonymous official added that no breakthrough was expected on the bill, as that would require high-level political input.
