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Finnish Women Pay For Sex With Refugee Boys

A Helsinki tabloid claims that refugee boys in their teens are being approached by Finnish women looking to pay for sex. Inta-Sanomat wrote that lone refugee boys desperate for money are being preyed upon by older Finnish women offering them $20 for sex. This is happening at the same time as immigration officers are rolling out programs to educate migrants about sexuality and social norms in Finland.

Finland's Foreign Minister Says Country Should Have Never Joined The Euro

Finland's Foreign Minister Says Country Should Have Never Joined The Euro

Back in August, we brought you “One Country’s Grim Assessment Of Greece’s Future” in which we highlighted comments from Finnish Foreign Minister Timo Soini.

“Truth is the strongest force. We should admit that this isn’t going to work,” Soini said, criticizing Brussels’ decision to back a third bailout program for Athens after a summer of fraught negotiations. “I hope that the EU and euro zone, that in due course, we can face the facts and say enough is enough and that we must do something else,” he continued.
