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five primaries

Indiana Primary Results: Trump Has Daunting Lead Over Cruz; Hillary Leads Sanders

Indiana Primary Results: Trump Has Daunting Lead Over Cruz; Hillary Leads Sanders

With the polls in eastern Indiana closed (the last polls in the western part of the state are open until 7pm Eastern), the first results come in, and in early counting of the available votes, Trump has a daunting 53% lead over Cruz's 33% and Kasich at 11%, while Hillary leads Bernie Sanders 58% to 43%.

If Trump's 50%+ lead remains largely unchallenged, it is difficult to see how the New York real estate billionaire will fail to accumulate the required threshold of votes before the Republican convention in July.


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The Beginning Of The End For Cruz? Here Are Five Things To Watch For In Indiana Today

The Beginning Of The End For Cruz? Here Are Five Things To Watch For In Indiana Today


Today's primary in the Hoosier State could prove to be the last stand for Ted Cruz and John Kasich, as The Donald looks to deliver the final knockout blow to the two challengers. If Trump wins, it certainly would be an embarrassment for a GOP establishment that has literally done everything it can to stop Trump, most recently touting the Cruz/Kasich alliance that self-destructed just hours after it was announced.

Bernie Sanders' Wife: "It Would be Nice If The FBI Moved Along Hillary's Email Probe"

Bernie Sanders' Wife: "It Would be Nice If The FBI Moved Along Hillary's Email Probe"

For the past year, Republicans had been pushing both the US Department of Justice and the FBI to move faster in their ongoing Hillary Clinton email probe, although as has been revealed recently, said probe is mostly being throttled by the DOJ allegedly for political reasons while the FBI, having scented blood, is eager to unveil its evidence against the frontrunning Democratic presidential candidate.