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Florida Teacher "Reassigned" After Facebook Post Praising Trump On Immigration

Florida Teacher "Reassigned" After Facebook Post Praising Trump On Immigration

A Florida computer lab teacher, Veronica Fleming, at the predominately Latino Parkside Elementary School in Naples, Florida, had her job "reassigned" after she made the mistake of publicly supporting Trump's immigration policies over Facebook.  Apparently irked by all the "Day Without Immigrants" protests around the country (see "'Without Us, Your Country Is Paralyzed' - Undocumented Workers Plan Boycott 'Day Without Immigrants'"), Fleming wrote a post on her Facebook account that she was "so glad to hear about massive deportation."

Secret Service: Trump Motorcade Hit By Unidentified Object

The U.S. Secret Service is investigating reports that an object was thrown at President Donald Trump’s motorcade in Florida on Friday afternoon. An object believed to be a rock hit a car in the procession as the motorcade was making its way from the airport to Trump’s South Florida Mar-a-Lago retreat. The Secret Service has launched an investigation into the incident. Presidential limo “The Beast” was not struck by the object, according to reports.

82 False Killer Whales Dead In Massive Stranding Off Florida Coast

Authorities are attempting to save thirteen false killer whales after a mass stranding left 82 dead off the coast of Hog Key in Florida’s Everglades National Park over the weekend. Officials say it is unclear what caused the the largest recorded stranding of the large dolphins, which look like killer whales, on Saturday The stranded dolphins included adults, juveniles and calves. RT reports: The stranding took place along a remote area of Florida’s Southwest coast in Everglades National Park. It was first reported by a citizen on Saturday and then confirmed by the US Coast Guard.

Police Arrest Volunteers For Feeding Homeless In Tampa, Florida

Seven activists were arrested for feeding cold and hungry homeless people in a Tampa city park on Saturday afternoon. Florida police say that they made the arrests because the group did not have a permit to serve the food. The volunteers from ‘Food Not Bombs’ were aware that their actions were technically illegal, but putting compassion first they decided to pass out food anyway and say they will continue to do so.

Hillary Supporters Demand Florida Recount To Overturn Election

Hillary Clinton supporters in Florida are attempting to overturn the election results by demanding a recount in the Sunshine State.  In a desperate attempt to claw back tens of thousands of lost votes following the failed Wisconsin recount, Hillary Clinton supporting Democrats are mounting a lawsuit in a final bid to win Hillary the White House. USA Today reports: In a lawsuit filed Monday in Leon Circuit Court, they assert that Hillary Clinton, not Donald Trump, actually won Florida.
