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Le Pen Kicks Off Presidential Campaign Echoing Trump: The Highlights From Her Manifesto

Le Pen Kicks Off Presidential Campaign Echoing Trump: The Highlights From Her Manifesto

The leader of the anti-immigration French National Front party Marine Le Pen kicked off her presidential campaign on Saturday by echoing many of the same vows that brought Trump to power in the US, hoping promises to shield voters from globalization, promote protectionism, leave the Eurozone, slap taxes on imports and on the job contracts of foreigners, lower the retirement age, increasing welfare benefits and boost defense spending push her above her competitors at a time of sweeping political turmoil in France.

Dollar Slide Accelerates After Fed Fails To Boost Confidence, Pressures US Futures

Dollar Slide Accelerates After Fed Fails To Boost Confidence, Pressures US Futures

European shares and S&P futures fell amid mixed earnings from corporate heavyweights, while Asian stocks were fractionally higher. The dollar slump continued against all its major peers after the Federal Reserve gave dollar bulls little to be optimistic about.  The U.S. currency dropped toward the lowest close since November after the Fed reiterated its intention on Wednesday to lift rates only gradually.

French Political Scandal Fallout: Fillon Would Be Eliminated In First Round By Macron

French Political Scandal Fallout: Fillon Would Be Eliminated In First Round By Macron

As the political scandal gripping (former) French presidential frontrunner Francois Fillon grows, his public support is tumbling and according to a new opinion poll released on Wednesday, the conservative presidential candidate would no longer even make the second round of this spring's presidential election in France, raising the pressure on him as a scandal over his wife and children's publicly funded "fae work" engulfed his campaign.

"Chaos, Panic, Anger, Lawsuits" - The Fallout From Trump's Refugee Ban Begins

"Chaos, Panic, Anger, Lawsuits" - The Fallout From Trump's Refugee Ban Begins

Trump's sweeping, and immediately enforced ban on people seeking refuge in the United States and visitors from seven Muslim-majority countries which will last at least three months has caused what Reuters dubs "chaos, panic and anger" - as well as lawsuits - not only among travelers on Saturday - with some denied entry to the US and turned back from U.S.-bound flights - but also among US allies such as France and Germany.

Global Stock Index On Verge Of All-Time High Propelled By "Dow 20,000" Euphoria

Global Stock Index On Verge Of All-Time High Propelled By "Dow 20,000" Euphoria

With global stock markets basking in the afterglow of Dow crossing 20,000 for the first time, on Thursday they propelled higher in sympathy with the US, as Asia and Europe are trading solidly in the green, as is the dollar which rebounded strongly off a 5 week low. Copper touched the highest price since November after reports of lower production. Global government bonds extended declines as France’s 10-year yield breached 1% for the first time in more than a year. Gold declined.
