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Obama Blasts Britain And France Over Libya ‘Mess’

US President Barack Obama has blasted the UK and France over their Libya policy in the aftermath of the 2011 overthrow of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. Blaming them for the current chaos in Libya, he referred to the situation as a “mess”and in private called it a “s**t show.” In an interview interview with the Atlantic, Obama said he was wrong to believe the allies would be “invested in the follow-up” to Gaddafi’s ouster.



Matthew Continetti had a nice reflection this morning on the wacked-out mindset of the GOP leadership:

French President Says World War Between Russia And Turkey Is Likely

French President Francois Hollande has warned that a war between Russia and Turkey is a very real possibility due to the escalating tensions in Syria.  Hollande has urged the two countries to avoid escalation before a World War breaks out. reports: “There is a risk of war between Turkey and Russia. One must to do everything possible to avoid an escalation,” Hollande said on France Inter radio station. According to him, the Syrian authorities and the opposition should resume talks as soon as possible.
