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Marine Le Pen Will Reap What The EU Has Sown

Submitted by Raul Ilargi Meijer via The Automatic Earth blog,

Many people are cheering now that yesterday Marine Le Pen and her Front National (FN) party didn’t get to take over government in any regions in the France regional elections. They should think again. FN did get a lot more votes than the last time around, and, though she will be a little disappointed after last weekend’s results, it’s exactly as Le Pen herself said: “Nothing can stop us”.

To France from a Post-9/11 America: Lessons We Learned Too Late

To France from a Post-9/11 America: Lessons We Learned Too Late

Guest Column by John W. Whitehead

The post To France from a Post-9/11 America: Lessons We Learned Too Late appeared first on

Washington Refines Its False Flag Operations — Paul Craig Roberts

Washington Refines Its False Flag Operations

Paul Craig Roberts

Washington and its French vassal have refined how they conduct their false flag operations. With the Charlie Hebdo operation, they knew to immediately set the story in stone in order to avoid any questions from the print and TV media and in order to use the set story to take the place of an investigation.

Stephen Lendman Asks Legitimate Questions About French Attacks

Stephen Lendman Asks Legitimate Questions About French Attacks

Blowback or False Flag in Paris?

by Stephen Lendman

It’s too soon to know for sure. Given French complicity with ongoing US state terror throughout the Middle East, North Africa and elsewhere, odds strongly favor the latter.

Multiple likely well-planned Friday night attacks in Paris had a disturbing aroma to them – including France’s knee-jerk police state reaction. More on this below. Here’s what happened.
