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Map Explainer: The Gaza Strip

Map Explainer: The Gaza Strip

Recent attacks on Israel by Hamas have placed the Gaza Strip firmly in the spotlight of the global news cycle.

While conflict in that part of the world is thoroughly covered in headlines and news stories, more basic facts about Gaza receive less attention. With this infographic, we aim to fill in some of those gaps, including demographics, infrastructure, and more.

Hamas Torturing Militants In Crackdown On "Unauthorized" Rocket Attacks Against Israel

Hamas Torturing Militants In Crackdown On "Unauthorized" Rocket Attacks Against Israel

The Palestinian militant group Hamas which governs the Gaza Strip has reportedly initiated a crackdown on Salafist fighters within its ranks who are responsible for instances of unauthorized rocket fire into Israel, which has been sporadic in the last two weeks since President Trump's contentious recognition of Jerusalem as the Israeli capital on December 6th.
