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the GOP primary

RNC Reverses, Will Back Roy Moore Following Trump Endorsement

RNC Reverses, Will Back Roy Moore Following Trump Endorsement

Confirming an earlier report by Breitbart, the Hill reports that the Republican National Committee has decided to reinstate its support of Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore after initially cutting ties over allegations of sexual misconduct, following Trump's official endorsement earlier on Monday of the Alabama Judge after weeks of silence.  Breitbart first reported that the RNC had decided to step back into the race.

Senator Rand Paul's Annual Festivus Airing Of Grievances

In a time-honored tradition - started by television sitcom 'Seinfeld' - Senator Rand Paul aired a list of his grievances Friday for Festivus. In the past his outburst has been aimed at wasteful government spending, this year the target of his ire is the president-elect, his cabinet choices, and the media...


Harvard Professor Says He's Rallied Nearly Enough GOP Electors To Block Trump

Harvard University law professor Larry Lessig, who has been providing free legal counsel to "faithless electors" from the GOP considering voting against Trump, claims that 20 GOP Electoral College voters have contacted him and are seriously considering flipping their vote.  Of course, with 306 Electoral College votes assigned to Trump, it would only take 37 faithless GOP electors to block his presidency and push the election to Congress to decide.  Per Politico:
