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Germans Outraged After US Tennis Association Plays "Nazi Anthem"

Germany responded with outrage after the United States Tennis Association made the embarrassing gaffe of playing the Nazi-era version of Germany's national anthem during a Federation Cup tie in Hawaii, Reuters reported. The version played included the first stanza, beginning "Deutschland, Deutschland uber alles," which was used as Nazi propaganda. Germany’s Andrea Petkovic described it as “the worst thing that has ever happened to me.”

Obama's Hawaii Vacation: $8 Million; Secret Service: $317k; Nailing A 40-Foot Chip: Priceless

Thanks to the deep digging from Judicial Watch, we now know that President Obama's Christmas 2013 vacation to Hawaii cost taxpayers a handy $8.1 million. The itinerary, we are sure, was very similar to this year's golfing (and shave ice) extravaganza, which explains why, the known total expense to the American taxpayers thus far for all Obama travel is now $70,880,035.78. Well, it's only fair right?
