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1.6 Million Struck Down With Flu In Japan Last Week

The flu season in Japan has struck 1.64 million people who all fell ill with flu symptoms across the country, during a one-week period through February 7, the health ministry has confirmed.  5,995 schools across Japan had to close due to the outbreak in order to prevent further spread of the influenza virus. reports: This year, flu season began in earnest later than the previous several years, but its outbreak is close to reaching levels seen in average years, according to the ministry. During the week before, an estimated 1.07 million people had been diagnosed with flu.

Man Cures Lung Cancer With Cannabis Oil

A 50-year-old man from Illinois who was diagnosed with “incurable inoperable” lung and pericardial heart sac cancer, was told by his doctors he had about a year to live with the aid of chemotherapy. Darren Miller began looking desperately for a cure beyond chemotherapy, which left him with “blisters on his mouth, blood hands and feet” according to his Facebook page. Then he found and decided to supplement the treatments with cannabis oil. Activist post reports: As you may or may not know, the survival rate of lung cancer is incredibly grim.

Leading Cancer Researcher Found Dead Hanging From Tree In Rubber Suit

A leading British cancer researcher was found dead in a rubber suit in woodland in a bizarre sex fetish, an inquest has heard. Professor Alan Clarke the 52 year old director of the European Cancer Stem Cell Research Institute and Cancer Research UK, was reportedly found with a dog lead around his neck and was wearing a hooded mask, after taking his dog for a walk just after Christmas. The dog was found safe and unharmed in the nearby woods.

Scientists Want To Edit Your Memories

Scientists working on erasing traumatic memories that can sometimes trigger anxiety or other mental health conditions, have come up with ways to modify, delete, copy and paste other memories into the brain. Scientists assume memory to be transient and a function within the brain’s neurons that can be manipulated through drugs and suggestion therapies. Science Alert reports: In fact, researchers have now figured out how to delete, change, and even implant memories – not just in animals, but in human subjects.

Humans Could Soon Regrow Teeth The Way Sharks Do Scientists Say

A new study has found that humans possess the same genes that allow sharks to regrow their teeth, meaning that people could potentially do the same. Sharks and other fish can regrow their teeth repeatedly throughout their lives while humans have, at the moment, the capacity to regrow their teeth only once. Scientists have discovered that the same network of genes that allow sharks to regrow teeth is present in humans and it may be possible to ‘tweak’ those genes to grow new teeth.
