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Patient Bleeds To Death During Surgery Because Of Spelling Mistake

An inquest has heard how a patient bled to death during surgery at Northwick Park Hospital in Harrow, because of a “spelling mistake” Pensioner Irmgard Cooper, 85, bled to death on the operating table after blood which was intended for her was sent back due to the incorrect spelling of her name. The Independent reports: An inquest at North London Coroner’s Court heard her name had been spelt as “Irngard” instead of Irmgard. Ms Cooper – who is originally from Germany – had undergone an operation to repair a large bulge in the main artery to her heart when the mistake occurred.

Where Is The Outrage: With Shkreli Under House Arrest, Drug Prices Are Still Soaring

Last September, when Martin Shkreli was doing his best to become the "most hated person in America" with his highly profiled 5000% price increase of a Turing Pharma toxoplasmosis drug, in an article titled "Dear Martin Shkreli: This Is How You Hike Drug Prices" we said hate him if you must, but not for his price hiking practices for one simple reason: everyone else does that.

CDC Admits This Vaccine Is Useless

The CDC have admitted for the first time that vaccines may be ineffective at providing immunity against some diseases. In a study published in the journal Emerging Infectious Disease, 26 preschool-aged children were given vaccinations for pertussis (whooping cough) in 2013, and were subsequently found to have a 50 percent increase in infection rates compared to unvaccinated children. reports: But wait, shouldn’t the infection rate go down, not up? Hmmm.
