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Murdered Doctors Had Discovered Cancer-Causing Enzymes In Vaccines

The recent cases of holistic doctors who were being killed in Florida all had one thing in common: They had discovered that the nagalase enzyme protein is being intentionally added to vaccines administered to humans.  Nagalese prevents vitamin D from being produced in the body, and stops the human body of being able to naturally kill cancer cells. reports: Nagalase is a protein that’s also created by all cancer cells. This protein is also found in very high concentrations in autistic children. And they’re PUTTING it in our vaccines!!

Shared Sacrifice? 1 In 3 Americans Slash Staples Spending To 'Afford' Obamacare

Shared Sacrifice? 1 In 3 Americans Slash Staples Spending To 'Afford' Obamacare

Health insurers are in panic mode as the Obama administration, ever eager maximize coverage optics for Obamacare, has, as The NY Times reports, allowed large numbers of people to sign up for insurance after the deadlines in the last two years, destabilizing insurance markets and driving up premiums. This surge in costs, from unintended consequences, has left 1 in 5 Americans with health insurance is having problems paying medical bills; and, as a new poll finds, more than one in three Americans, or 35 percent, said they were unable to pay for basic necessities such

Missile Strikes Doctors Without Borders Clinic In Yemen Killing 4

A medical facility in Yemen supported by Medecins Sans Frontieres  (Doctors Without Borders) was bombed Sunday morning, leaving four dead and 10 injured, the organization said. The facility was hit by a rocket on Sunday in the north of the country causing the collapse of several buildings. Three of the injured are MSF staff, two are in critical condition. For third time in 3 months, an @MSF health facility in #Yemen has been bombed.

Mountain Lion Found With Horn-Like Teeth In Idaho

A mountain lion has been found in southeast Idaho, with a set of teeth sticking out of its forehead. The cougar was shot dead by an unidentified hunter last week, who reported the animal’s bizarre deformity to the authorities. Wildlife biologists are puzzled as to why the big cat had a second set of teeth growing out of the hard tissues of its forehead. The Daily Mail reports: Idaho conservation officers, who were sent a photograph of the kill, were shocked to find the year-old lion had a separate set of teeth growing out the left side of its forehead.

UK Vaccines Documents Reveal 30 Years Of Coverup

Thanks to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), we now know that vaccines are not a miracle of modern medicine. A doctor successfully retrieved documents about vaccinations, showing, as he suspected, the dangers they presented to the population A Freedom of Information request filed in the UK by a doctor there, reveal 30 years of secret official documents showing that government experts have: 1. Known the vaccines don’t work 2. Known they cause the diseases they are supposed to prevent 3. Known they are a hazard to children 4. Colluded to lie to the public 5.
