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Florida Government Says 'No' to Shipment of Coronavirus Shots for Babies and Young Children

The state government of Florida is standing up against the effort to indiscriminately inject experimental coronavirus “vaccine” shots into children four years old and younger. And, as reported Wednesday by Christopher O’Donnell and Ian Hodgson at the Tampa Bay Times, Florida is the only state to make this decision, every other state government having pre-ordered the shots from the United States government in anticipation of the granting of US regulatory approval. Good for Florida.

Swamped US Vaccine Compensation Programs Mean Years of Waiting for People with Vaccine Injury Claims

Vaccine makers in America have special protections from liability. Instead of suing for an injury or death from experimental coronavirus “vaccine” shots or one of the many shots included in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended childhood vaccination schedule, people are left with the course of pleading their cases for payouts from special United States government-created compensation programs. The process is not a means to justice. Your day in court never happens.

Zinc: A Life Saving Commodity

The following content is sponsored by the Teck

Zinc: A Life Saving Commodity

Zinc is crucial for body growth, brain development, and helps fight dangerous infections, especially in children.

However, the reality is that millions around the world lack sufficient zinc in their diets in order to live healthy lives.

This graphic, sponsored by Teck, shows how zinc supplementation could save millions of lives.

Why Zinc?
