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Visualizing The Science Behind The Medical Potential Of Cannabis

Visualizing The Science Behind The Medical Potential Of Cannabis

Attitudes are changing fast on cannabis, and investors are taking note...

With the birth of legal recreational markets in places like California and a growing appreciation for the medical applications of cannabinoids such as CBD, Visual Capitalist's Jeff Desjardins writes that the floodgates are open for companies to pursue new and groundbreaking opportunities in the sector.

Why Is An Appendectomy In The US 10 Times More Expensive Than An Appendectomy In Mexico?

Why Is An Appendectomy In The US 10 Times More Expensive Than An Appendectomy In Mexico?

Authored by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog,

This is what can happen when you go to a socialized healthcare system. 

A lot of people out there believe that the United States has a free market healthcare system, but that is actually not true.  The percentage of the population that receives government-subsidized healthcare is rapidly approaching 50 percent, and the healthcare industry may be the most heavily regulated sector of the entire U.S. economy. 
