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'Leftist' Meltdowns Continue: Therapists Report Huge Spike In Patients Suffering From "President Trump Stress Disorder"

'Leftist' Meltdowns Continue: Therapists Report Huge Spike In Patients Suffering From "President Trump Stress Disorder"

Authored by Daniel Lang via,

There’s only one thing that has been constant throughout the duration of Trump’s presidency, and that is the reaction of the people who oppose him.

Time after time the Left has responded to Trump’s actions and words with unfettered fear, paranoia, and highly publicized meltdowns. His mere presence in the White House seems to leave them hyperventilating, sobbing, and lashing out at anyone dares to support him, or even refuses to denounce him.

Watch Live: White House Holds On-Camera Briefing

In what looks like a routine briefing, Secretary of Veterans Affairs David Shulkin is due to discuss the Veterans Educational Assistance Act in a press conference beginning at 5 p.m. ET.

However, in light of the fact that it's been a rough day for the Trump administration, reporters are probably brimming with questions about the ongoing controversy about Trump's response to the violence in Charlottesville Va. this weekend.

N. Korea Has A Better And More Equitable Health Care System Than The US

N. Korea Has A Better And More Equitable Health Care System Than The US

Read Professor Michel Chossudovsky’s report on the World Health Organization’s latest finding:

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Bernie Sanders To Introduce Single-Payer Healthcare Bill In September

Bernie Sanders To Introduce Single-Payer Healthcare Bill In September

For a couple of years now we've highlighted various data points suggesting that Obamacare was, and continues to be, in an inescapable death spiral that will end in a spectacular collapse of healthcare exchanges around the country.  While there are a number of reasons that Obamacare was doomed from the start, it basically all boils down to the original failed logic that millions of young, healthy Americans would gladly pay out the nose for a product they didn't want and knew they would never use all to fulfill a civic obligation to subsidize the healthcare costs of their older and/or less fo

Why Some Pharmaceuticals Are So Expensive

Why Some Pharmaceuticals Are So Expensive

Authored by Gilbert Berdine via The Mises Institute,

Enter “outrageous drug prices” into Google and you will receive plenty of examples. As reported here, Marathon Pharmaceuticals planned to charge $89,000 per year for its Emflaza brand of the corticosteroid deflazacort. Deflazacort was introduced in 1969 and is available outside the U.S. for less than $2 per tablet. US patients with muscular dystrophy have been obtaining the drug for around $1,500 per year from foreign sources.
