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Watch Live: Congressional Hearing On How The Fed Is Screwing Main Street And Retirees

This morning the House Financial Services Committee is holding a hearing that will evaluate how Federal Reserve policies are adversely affecting households, small businesses, savers, and retirees, and consider policy opportunities that the Federal Reserve could implement to improve economic opportunities for all.

The panel will include the following witnesses:

Trump Goes After "Fake News" NYTimes, Slams Media Criticism On Healthcare: "I Know The Subject Well"

One day after he repeatedly lashed out at CNN, on Wednesday President Trump blasted the the NYT in particular, and the broader press in general, for reporting that he is "not totally engaged" on healthcare.

"Some of the Fake News Media likes to say that I am not totally engaged in healthcare," Trump tweeted shortly before 7am. "Wrong, I know the subject well & want victory for U.S."
