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Ted Cruz Reveals Details Of His Amendment Proposal To Senate Healthcare Bill

Earlier today, Senators Rand Paul (KY), Ted Cruz (TX), Ron Johnson (WI) and Mike Lee (UT) issued a joint statement announcing their opposition to McConnell's healthcare bill on the basis that it did not fulfill a promise made to the American public to "repeal Obamacare and lower their health care costs."  Here was the full statement:

Obama Lashes Out At GOP Healthcare Plan: "This Bill Will Do You Harm"

Obama Lashes Out At GOP Healthcare Plan: "This Bill Will Do You Harm"

Laying the groundwork of Leftist talking points for the next few days, former President Barack Obama took to his Facebook page to defend Obamacare against the GOP's Healthcare Plan... [emphasis added]

Our politics are divided. They have been for a long time. And while I know that division makes it difficult to listen to Americans with whom we disagree, that’s what we need to do today.


Trumpcare DOA? At Least 3 Republican Senators Plan To Oppose Bill: NBC

Trumpcare DOA? At Least 3 Republican Senators Plan To Oppose Bill: NBC

The Senate healthcare bill has been "in the open" for less than an hour, and already NBC's Chuck Todd reports that it may be DOA after "at least" 3 GOP senators plan to publicly announce their opposition to the bill.

In a tweet, NBC anchor Chuck Todd said that according to a “solid” unnamed source "at least 3 GOP sens (perhaps more) plan to announce public opposition to McConnell health bill later today."

Here Is The Full Text Of The Republican Healthcare Bill

Update:  Senate Republicans have just released their official 142-page healthcare bill.

Here are some initial takeaways from the Wall Street Journal:

  • The bill seeks funding for insurers through 2021
  • The bill provides tax credits, lowers income eligibility
  • Tax cuts on high-income households largely unchanged from House plan
  • Bill suspends 'Cadillac Tax' on employer health plans through 2025

Specifically on Taxes:

Scalise Still "Critical", Will Require More Surgeries; Trump Urges "Pray For Steve"

Scalise Still "Critical", Will Require More Surgeries; Trump Urges "Pray For Steve"

While it appears some have already moved on from this morning's devastating actions in Virginia...

Some are still concerned and so MedStar Washington Hospital Center released a statement on the condition of the Majority Whip (via Rep. Scalise's Twitter account)...

"Congressman Steve Scalise sustained a single rifle shot to the left hip. The bullet travelled across his pelvis, fracturing bones, injuring internal organs, and causing severe bleeding.

