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Trump Backtracks; Confirms We "Have To Do Healthcare Before Tax Reform"

Back in late March, equity markets sold off on the first signs that Republicans were not going to be able to repeal and replace Obamacare as they had promised.  Alas, the pessimism didn't last long as the BTFD crowd was able to quickly convince everyone that the failure of Obamacare was actually good for markets as it would allow the Trump administration to focus it's efforts on tax cuts instead...and, as usual, equities soared.

Freedom Caucus Says It Would Approve TrumpCare With These Three Changes

Freedom Caucus Says It Would Approve TrumpCare With These Three Changes

After a brief twitter war between Trump and the House Freedom Caucus last week over the failed healthcare legislation, new rumblings seem to suggest that all hope is not yet lost for a repeal of Obamacare.  As The Hill notes this morning, Freedom Caucus chairman Mark Meadows says that his group would be willing to support TrumpCare to the extent it made changes on the following 3 issues:

Americans' Self-Contradictory Views Of Socialized Healthcare

Americans' Self-Contradictory Views Of Socialized Healthcare

Authored by Eric Zuesse via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

Majorities want single-payer, but not from the government

58 % of Americans want «Replacing the ACA with a federally funded healthcare program providing insurance for all Americans». Only 37% oppose it. A tiny 5% have no opinion. That’s from a Gallup poll published 16 May 2016, «Majority in U.S. Support Idea of Fed-Funded Healthcare System».
