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Elon Musk Launches Company To Hook Up People To Computers

Elon Musk Launches Company To Hook Up People To Computers

In case revolutionizing the transportation and energy industries while colonizing Mars wasn't enough of a challenge for Elon Musk (or perhaps taxpayer subsidies for Musk's ventures in those fields have dried up) in his latest venture the billionaire entrepreneur now "wants to merge computers with human brains to help people keep up with machines." Specifically, the WSJ has uncovered that Musk has launched another company called Neuralink, which is pursuing what Musk calls “neural lace” technology, which is shorthand for a brain-computer interface and consists of implanting tiny brain electr

Republican Lawmaker Quits Freedom Caucus Over Healthcare Bill Disagreement

Republican Lawmaker Quits Freedom Caucus Over Healthcare Bill Disagreement

Republican Representative Ted Poe resigned from the House Freedom Caucus on Sunday in disagreement over the conservative group's role in sinking President Trump healthcare plan. He suggested his resignation was because he wanted to vote for the Republican healthcare proposal which was adamantly opposed by the right-wing caucus.

“I have resigned from the House Freedom Caucus,” Poe said in a statement. Poe broke with the House Freedom Caucus’s views of the GOP healthcare proposal and planned to vote for the bill, which House leaders ultimately pulled from the floor on Friday.

Why Middle Class Whites Are Dying Faster (In 6 Painful Charts)

Why Middle Class Whites Are Dying Faster (In 6 Painful Charts)

Authored by Julia Belluz via,

In 2015, a blockbuster study came to a surprising conclusion: Middle-aged white Americans are dying younger for the first time in decades, despite positive life expectancy trends in other wealthy countries and other segments of the US population.

The research, by Princeton University’s Anne Case and Angus Deaton, highlighted the links between economic struggles, suicides, and alcohol and drug overdoses.
