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Historian: Queen Elizabeth Descended From Long Line Of Cannibals

Queen Elizabeth and the Royal Family are descended from a long line of cannibals. British royals have long been famed for their love of lavish banquets and rich recipes. But a British historian has conclusively proved that Queen Elizabeth’s ancestors also had a taste for human flesh. A new study on medicinal cannibalism has revealed that British royalty were openly dining on parts of the human body as recently as the 19th century, and there are suggestions the practice went underground after that.

13 Horrifying U.S. Government Human Experiments

From mind-control to STDs, the U.S. government has purposefully inflicted countless tortures upon citizens both at home and abroad. Conspiracy theory nuts are known for being out there, but once you read the wild government stories on this list, you will be a believer too. 1: Project MKUltra Beginning in the early 1950’s, the U.S. government started conducting illegal experiments on U.S. and Canadian citizens (including children) with the intention of developing drugs and procedures used to interrogate and torture.

Thousands Of Veterans Sign Up To Defend Standing Rock

US veterans are signing up in droves to join DAPL protests at Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in North Dakota. The temporary campsite of the Dakota Access Pipeline protesters is set to close by Dec 5. The newly formed group “Veterans Stand for Standing Rock” are calling on veterans to nonviolently stand up to militarized law enforcement at the site. Since its initial call to action, the veterans’ movement has grown exponentially. Anti Media reports: Last week, the Facebook event, which was launched by Army veteran Wesley Clark Jr.

Trump Picks Vocal Obamacare Critic Tom Price As HHS Secretary

Trump Picks Vocal Obamacare Critic Tom Price As HHS Secretary

In a choice that confirms Trump's intentions to dismantle Obamacare, Reuters reports that President-elect Donald Trump will shortly announce he has chosen vociferous Obamacare critic Tom Price (R. Ga), an orthopedic surgeon from Georgia, as his Health and Human Services secretary to help him overhaul the U.S. healthcare system.

Chairman of the House Budget Committee Tom Price
