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Americans Have Never Been Fatter - And It's Getting Worse

Americans Have Never Been Fatter - And It's Getting Worse

Two recent reports from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) show that efforts to encourage Americans to lose weight aren't working.

In one study of more than 5,400 adults, the results show that 33% of US adults are overweight, and 38% of US adults are obese. Breaking the data down a bit further, the report writes that "the age-adjusted prevalence of obesity in 2013-2014 was 35% among men, and 40.4% among women." Additionally, more than 5% of men and nearly 10% of women came in morbidly obese.

Nearly 100,000 Left Without Insurance In Colorado Due To Obamacare

Nearly 100,000 Left Without Insurance In Colorado Due To Obamacare

We have covered the complete disaster that is Obamacare in great detail recently, from premiums skyrocketing in 2017, to the largest US Health Insurer throwing in the towel on Obamacare exchanges, and even Insurance companies suing the government over subsidies the government promised if the firms lost money as a result of being in the exchange.

Muhammad Ali Was Silenced And Murdered

Reports have surfaced suggesting Muhammad Ali was injected with a drug known to cause Parkinson’s disease in the late 70s as part of a plot by the US government to strip its most influential, charismatic and dangerous critic of his voice and physical strength. Injection of methyl phenyl tetrahydropyrinide (MPTP), an amphetamine, causes ‘rapid onset of Parkinsonism’ according to the drug’s toxicity report.  In 1976 Barry Kidston, a chemistry graduate from Maryland, injected himself with MPTP and within three days began displaying symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.

Human-Pig Hybrids Growing In US Labs

Scientists from the University of California are growing human organs inside pigs in a bid to overcome the worldwide shortage of human organs available for transplants. Human stem cells have been injected into pig embryos to produce human-pig embryos known as chimeras. According to the research team, the pregnant sows should not be any different to normal pigs in behaviour and appearance, except one organ will be made of human cells. The human-pig hybrid embryos will be left to develop for 28 days inside the sows before the pregnancies will be aborted and the tissues removed for analysis.
