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Transgenderism Hurts Children

This is something: the American College of Pediatrics has come out strongly against physicians imposing gender ideology on children. Look:

The American College of Pediatricians urges educators and legislators to reject all policies that condition children to accept as normal a life of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex. Facts – not ideology – determine reality.

Pesticides Linked To Mental Disorders That Can Last “Three Generations”

Scientists have discovered that man-made chemical pesticides may be responsible for the decline in mental health among the human population in recent decades.  Epigenetic researchers have found that chemicals such as the persistent pollutant DDT – found in most pesticide products – are altering gene expression through multiple generations of people destroying the health of entire bloodlines. reports: When a parent’s gene expression has been manipulated by pesticides, those changes can be inherited by the next generation.

Electroshock Therapy To Be Reintroduced On Millions Of American Teenagers

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) haver announced plans to reintroduce electroshock therapy as a viable psychiatric treatment, making it easier for doctors to prescribe its use on patients suffering from conditions such as depression and anxiety.  The FDA downgraded Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) devices from Class III to Class II – meaning their use are now much less regulated. This follows the passing of the 21st Century Cures Act (H.R.

Scientists Make Spongy Polymer That Helps Repair The Spine

Scientists from the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota have created an expandable polymer that is strong enough to replace bone tissue. Motherboard reports: Lichun Lu and Xifeng Lu, scientists at the Mayo Clinic’s college of medicine, have developed special biodegradable polymer bone grafts that will grow to a specific size and shape once surgically placed in the body. The research was presented today at the American Chemical Society’s spring meeting in San Diego. “We are working on a solution to improve surgical cancer treatments,” Lu said Tuesday.

Kardashian Sister Kylie Jenner Exposes Vaccine Industry

The youngest Kardashian sister Kylie Jenner posted an anti-vaccination photo on Saturday on her Twitter account, criticising the Big Pharma vaccine industry.  Moments after the photo was posted, Jenner deleted the picture amid a furious backlash from fans and mainstream media outlets who labelled her a ‘conspiracy theorist’. The picture showed a child getting a vaccine with the caption, “Lack of food. Lack of shelter. Lack of clean water.
