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FBI Arrests State Department Employee For Spying For China

In an example of a FISA-warranted surveillance done right, on Wednesday the FBI announced the arrest of a veteran State Department employee with access to top secret information, who was accused of failing to report numerous contacts with Chinese foreign intelligence agents who provided her with "tens of thousands of dollars in gifts and benefits" in exchange for diplomatic and economic information, federal prosecutors said.

Turkish Hackers Threaten To Wipe Millions Of iPhones; Demand Ransom From Apple

Turkish Hackers Threaten To Wipe Millions Of iPhones; Demand Ransom From Apple

Apple can't seem to catch a break lately.  Yesterday we noted the latest WikiLeaks release which exposed yet another CIA spying scandal, this time revolving around efforts to bug "factory fresh" iPhones before they even reach the hands of consumers (see "Wikileaks Releases "NightSkies 1.2": Proof CIA Bugs "Factory Fresh" iPhones").

Wikileaks Releases "NightSkies 1.2": Proof CIA Bugs "Factory Fresh" iPhones

A new WikiLeaks Vault 7 leak titled “Dark Matter” claims that the Central Intelligence Agency has been bugging “factory fresh” iPhones since at least 2008 through suppliers.  The documents are expected to be released after a 10 a.m. EDT “press briefing” that WikiLeaks promoted on its Twitter.

