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Japan's Economy Grinds To A Halt After Earthquake Paralyzes Critical Supply Chains

Japan's Economy Grinds To A Halt After Earthquake Paralyzes Critical Supply Chains

Earlier today Toyota was one of many Japanese companies to announce that it will suspend most car production across Japan as a result of critical supply chain disruptions caused by the recent destructive earthquake and numerous aftershocks. All of the major assembly lines will be shut down across its four directly-run plants, and Toyota will be halting production in stages at other group companies as well.

Ghost Filmed At Hotel That Inspired “The Shining”

A photo shared by Henry Yau of Houston taken at the famous Stanley Hotel in Colorado has gone viral. Henry shared a photograph on his Instagram page which appears to show a ghostly apparition at the infamous location Stephen King’s ‘The Shining‘ was inspired by. GeoBeats News reports: Based on a photo recently shared on Instagram by Henry Yau of Houston, the Estes Park, Colorado place of lodging delivers on its ghostly promises. Believer or not, it’s tough to deny there’s a figure on the staircase in the picture.

Apple Stock Slides On News It Cuts iPhone Production By 30% Due To Sluggish Sales: Nikkei

Apple Stock Slides On News It Cuts iPhone Production By 30% Due To Sluggish Sales: Nikkei

Don't expect any optimistic emails from Tim Cook to Jim Cramer for a long time, because according to a just released report in Japan's Nikkei, Apple will continue its reduced production of iPhones in the April-June period in light of sluggish sales, according to parts suppliers notified of the plan.

Bless Her Heart!


Hell hath no fury like an angry Southern mom.

Taking away electronics is a common parental punishment, but this mother decided to take it one step further – and shoot up her children’s iPhones with a rifle.

‘I hereby denounce the effects that social media have on my children,’ the mom shouts at the beginning of the video, a gun in her hand. ‘Their disobedience and their disrespect.’
