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Iran Oil Minister Rejects Saudi Demand To Freeze Crude Production

Iran Oil Minister Rejects Saudi Demand To Freeze Crude Production

In the aftermath of Bloomberg's surprising Friday report, according to which Saudi Arabia flipflopped on its previous promise that it would freeze its oil output while allowing Iran to grow supply until it hit its pre-embargo peak, instead saying that it would only join the freeze curbe Iran - and all other OPEC member nations - also joined, crude tanked.

Governments Admit that Much of Modern History Has Been Manipulated By False Flag Attacks

Presidents, Prime Ministers, Congressmen, Generals, Spooks, Soldiers and Police ADMIT to False Flag Terror

In the following instances, officials in the government which carried out the attack (or seriously proposed an attack) admit to it, either orally, in writing, or through photographs or videos:

(1) As admitted by secret Russian police files that are part of the Hoover Institution’s archives, the Russian Tsar’s secret police set off bombs and killed people in order to blame and arrest labor agitators. And see this.

Iran's Future Is In Missiles, Not Dialogue, And Anyone Who Says Otherwise Is "Ignorant Traitor": Ayatollah

Iran's Future Is In Missiles, Not Dialogue, And Anyone Who Says Otherwise Is "Ignorant Traitor": Ayatollah

The ink on the Iran nuclear deal wasn’t even dry yet when Tehran tested a next generation, surface-to-surface ballistic missile with the range to hit archrival Israel.

The Emad, as the new weapon is called, expands upon Iran’s already impressive arsenal of missiles which the IRGC insists are paramount to securing the country against regional threats. The country’s missile program, Tehran says, is purely defensive in nature.

Kurdish Genocide? Turkey Launches War On Minorities

The Kurdish people in the Middle East have become viewed as an “enemy” by Turkey, as Erdogan’s regime have vowed to wipe out the minority group who are largely seen as allies by the rest of the Western world.  The Kurds are one of the largest and most diverse nomadic tribes in the Middle East, originally from Iran, who now live without a state of their own. reports: All four Middle-Eastern countries hosting large Kurdish population have a history of violence connected with Kurdish nationalism, but the extent varies greatly.
