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US Forces Under Curfew After Rape & Murder In Okinawa

US forces stationed in Japan’s Okinawa island will be put under a month-long curfew following the rape and murder of Japanese women. The US military in Japan said they will restrict all celebrations and off-base alcohol consumption for its servicemen in Okinawa after an employee was arrested on suspicion of murdering a woman and a former US marine pleaded guilty to raping a Japanese tourist. Press TV reports: Lawrence Nicholson, the head of US forces in Okinawa, said on Monday that a night-time curfew and some other liberty regulations will come into effect for a month.

G-7 Refuses To Warn Of "Global Economic Crisis" Over Fear "Sentiment Can Become Self-Fulfilling"

In order to press his individual agenda of preserving optionality to intervene in the FX market and push the Yen lower (using increasingly more desperate measures), Japan's Prime Minister had just one task in the latest G-7 meeting: to have the Group of Seven leaders warn of the risk of a global economic crisis in the final communique issued as the summit wrapped earlier today in Japan.

David Cameron Sending Warship To Libya To Stop Arms Reaching ISIS

David Cameron announced that the UK is sending a Royal Navy warship to the Mediterranean to stop arms smuggling and people trafficking along Libya’s coast. The British Prime Minister told the G7 summit in Japan that the UK was ready to take on a more “active leadership role” in Libya. The BBC reports: The UK already has a survey vessel, HMS Enterprise, operating in the area. Officials are to seek UN approval for the new warship to seize boats taking arms to so-called Islamic State.

"We Come To Mourn The Dead" - Obama Is First Sitting President To Visit Hiroshima, Offers No Apology

"We Come To Mourn The Dead" - Obama Is First Sitting President To Visit Hiroshima, Offers No Apology

Ealier today, Barack Obama became the first sitting US president to visit the memorial of the American atomic bombings of Japan in Hiroshima, however without offering no apology for the attacks. The trip comes amid Japanese protests over alleged crimes committed by US troops stationed in Japan.

"We have a shared responsibility to look directly in the eye of history. We must ask what we must do differently to curb such suffering again," Obama said in a speech at the memorial. Some of the speech highlights:
