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Robot ‘Goes Rogue’ And Kills Woman At Michigan Car Factory

Robot ‘Goes Rogue’ And Kills Woman At Michigan Car Factory

A robot at a Michigan car factory killed a human employee after it “went rogue” and “crushed her skull“, according to a new lawsuit filed by the employee’s husband. “The robot from section 130 should have never entered section 140, and should have never attempted to load a hitch assembly within a fixture that was already loaded with a hitch assembly,” the lawsuit says. According to the lawsuit, the accident happened July 7, 2015, at Ionia-based Ventra Ionia, which specializes in the welding and stamping of truck bumpers and trailer hitches.

Media Blackout As Two Government Pedophile Rings Busted

Media Blackout As Two Government Pedophile Rings Busted

Two high-level government pedophile rings were recently busted amid a total media blackout by the mainstream press.  As western media outlets continue to attempt to debunk and discredit any notion that elite pedophile rings could exist, new reports suggest that high-level government pedophilia not only exists – but it has become the norm. In the North Bengal region of India, a child welfare officer has become the seventh person to be arrested by the State’s Criminal Investigative Department (CID) for operating a child-trafficking ring.

Pedophile Senator Charged With Child Rape

Pedophile Senator Charged With Child Rape

An Oklahoma State Senator has been charged with child rape after being caught in a motel room with a child prostitute.  State Senator Ralph Shorey was charged on Thursday, just one day after the Oklahoma Senate voted to pass a resolution to suspend all of his privileges as a politician. His arrest comes amid a huge federal crackdown on government pedophile rings and child trafficking in America.

US Senator Charged With Child Prostitution

US Senator Charged With Child Prostitution

Child prostitution charges were filed on Thursday against an Oklahoma Republican state senator who was found with a teenage boy in a motel room. During the arrest, Shortey attempted to convince police that he was just “hanging out with a friend”, but after seizing his smartphone, evidence was found of him texting children and offering them money in return for “sexual stuff”. Cleveland County prosecutors charged 35-year-old Shortey with engaging in child prostitution, transporting a minor for prostitution and engaging in prostitution within 1,000 feet of church.

Judicial Watch Sues DOJ Over Bill Clinton’s Secret Meeting With Loretta Lynch

Judicial Watch Sues DOJ Over Bill Clinton’s Secret Meeting With Loretta Lynch

Judicial Watch are suing the Department of Justice to release all records detailing former Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s meeting with Bill Clinton in the midst of Hillary Clinton’s email investigation last June.  The conservative watchdog said it was forced to file the suit after the DOJ failed to respond to a request disclosing all records and transcripts of the meeting between the two. Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch both met onboard a private plane at Sky Harbor Airport in Phoenix in June 2016 during the FBI’s ongoing investigation of Hillary Clinton’s email server.
