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Illinois State Senator Pushes Bill Allowing Government To Confiscate Guns Without Due Process

Illinois State Senator Pushes Bill Allowing Government To Confiscate Guns Without Due Process

Via Daniel Lang of,

There are people in our government who are determined to chip away at our Second Amendment rights, and they are an insidious bunch.

Rarely do they make blatant gun grabbing attempts. Typically they push for policies that quietly set back gun rights. They like laws that merely set precedents without alarming the public, and they’ve been doing it successfully for decades.

WikiLeaks: Barack Obama Connected To Journalist Assassination

WikiLeaks: Barack Obama Connected To Journalist Assassination

Michael Hastings, the American journalist who died in a car crash as a result of a covert CIA assassination, had been one of Barack Obama’s biggest political adversaries.  Michael Hastings died in a car crash in 2013 when his vehicle uncontrollably accelerated and burst into a ball of flames. According to WikiLeaks, Hastings had contacted their lawyer Jennifer Robinson back in 2013, just hours before he was killed – claiming he was being targeted by the American government for exposing their crimes.

Obama Could Become First Former President With A Felony

Obama Could Become First Former President With A Felony

Barack Obama could become the first former President in American history to be charged in a felony offence, according to retired Army Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer. Following the revelation that the Obama administration wiretapped Donald Trump during last years presidential election, the White House has called for an immediate investigation into Obama and the DOJ over possible criminal wrongdoing. Former senior intelligence officer and retired Army Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer, believes that the magnitude of the scandal will likely result in the indictment of Barack Obama.

Tim Kaine's Son Arrested For Rioting During Trump Rally

Tim Kaine's Son Arrested For Rioting During Trump Rally

The youngest son of Senator Tim Kaine, Hillary Clinton’s vice presidential running mate, was one of six people arrested Saturday after counter-protesters disrupted a rally in support of President Donald Trump at the Minnesota State Capitol, the Twin Cities Pioneer Press reported. Linwood Michael Kaine, 24, and four others were arrested on suspicion of second-degree riot after the “March 4 Trump” rally in St. Paul; another person was cited for disorderly conduct.
