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What Voter Fraud? - Mexican Citizen Sentenced To 8 Years In Prison After Illegally Voting In Texas

Rosa Ortega, a Mexican citizen, has been convicted of voter fraud and sentenced to 8 years in prison in Texas after inadvertently admitting to election officials that she had been voting in Dallas County for years.  Apparently the voting fraud was discovered by chance after Ortega tried to register to vote in Tarrant County but was rejected after she admitted that she was not actually a citizen of the United States.  While she should have probably just accepted the rejection, Ortega pushed back by arguing that she had already been voting in Dallas County, an argument that drew the a

Civil Asset Forfeiture - Ruining Lives, While Failing To Stop Crime

Civil Asset Forfeiture - Ruining Lives, While Failing To Stop Crime

Submitted by Duane via Free Market Shooter blog,

Yesterday, President Trump met with the National Sheriff’s Association at the White House.  Like so many Trump comments, this one took a strange turn when Trump (jokingly or not) threatened to “destroy the career” of a Texas state Senator:

During the meeting, Rockwall County, Texas, Sheriff Harold Eavenson told President Trump about a piece of asset forfeiture legislation he believes would aid Mexican drug cartels…here’s the full conversation:


Trump Is Man of the People or Man of the Police?

Via The Daily Bell 


Donald Trump signs executive order giving police more powers … The President has signed three orders to tackle ‘public safety’ moments after he swore in Jeff Sessions as Attorney General. -UK Independent

We were not aware that Donald Trump ran on a law and order platform. We know he wanted more checks and balances on immigration but that is a lot different that generally insisting on more law enforcement.

Black Lives Matter Leader Charged With Pedophilia

One of the leaders of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement is facing pedophilia charges after police claim that Micah Rhodes had sex with an underage boy. Rhodes was arrested last month after he was accused of being in a sexual relationship with an underage boy. The 23-year-old faces four counts of Sex Abuse II (statutory rape). Police are accusing the leader of Portland, Oregon’s chapter of BLM of having sex with a 17-year-old boy in 2015 after they met on the gay dating app GRINDR. reports: Detectives believe there may be additional victims.

Trump Signs Three Executive Orders To "Stop Crime", "Crush Drug Cartels", & Stop Cop-Killers

Trump Signs Three Executive Orders To "Stop Crime", "Crush Drug Cartels", & Stop Cop-Killers

As President Trump swears in Senator Jeff Sessions as Attorney General, Reuters reports he is signing three executive actions today, including targeting drug cartels and crimes against law enforcement.

"These dangerous times require a determined attorney general," Trump said at an Oval Office ceremony for Sessions, who said rising crime is a "dangerous, permanent trend" in the United States and also promised to "end this lawlessness" of illegal immigration.
