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Trump Slams "Disheartening" Gorsuch Story, Accuses Sen. Blumenthal Of Lying

With the allegedly confirmed statement from Trump's Supreme Court pick, Neil Gorsuch, who reportedly told Senator Richard Blumenthal that he found Trump's judge commentary "disheartening"and "demoralizing", dominating the overnight news cycle, in his first tweet of the day, President Trump contradicted a spokesman for his Supreme Court nominee, in a tweet blasting Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal, who told reporters last night that Judge Neil Gorsuch called Trump's tweets attacking federal judges "demoralizing."

Swedish Cop Who Spoke Out About Migrant Crime Now Being Investigated For "Hate Speech"

Swedish Cop Who Spoke Out About Migrant Crime Now Being Investigated For "Hate Speech"

Earlier this week we wrote about the veteran Swedish police officer who, despite acknowledging that his actions might result in a pay cut, demotion and/or termination, posted an epic rant to Facebook about migrant crime in his country.  Among other things, the officer, Peter Springare, listed the crimes that he had spent the week investigating and subsequently attributed pretty much all of them to the beneficiaries of Merkel's "open border" policies.  From his Facebook post:

U.S. Authorities Now Allowed To Kill Citizens By Firing Squad

The U.S. government has authorised the use of killing citizens via firing squad in an overhaul of the death penalty laws in Mississippi.  Due to the unconstitutional nature of lethal injections, a lawmaker proposed the idea of allowing the State to use gassing, firing squads or electrocutions instead. reports: There’s no killing capital punishment in State Representative Andy Gipson’s (R-Braxton) House Bill 638. His legislation would set up a list of replacement methods for execution should the state find any single one unconstitutional.

Senate Letter Reveals Staggering Number Of Murders By Illegal Aliens With Previous Criminal Convictions

A letter written by the Senate Judiciary Committee in June 2015 to DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson, Secretary of State John Kerry and Attorney General Loretta Lynch reveals news facts about the number and nature of crimes committed by illegal immigrants who had already been convicted of other crimes but were released back into the public either because their home country would not accept their deportation and/or because they exceeded a Supreme Court mandate prohibiting detention of deportable foreign nationals beyond six months. 

Trump Defies Judges On Immigration: "I Can Do Whatever I Want"

Speaking to a gathering of law enforcement officials, President Trump doubled down his attack against the Judicial branch, and went after the panel of Appeals Court judges weighing whether a court order blocking his travel ban should be lifted, arguing the judges should immediately reinstate the executive order in the name of national security, although he refrained from criticizing the appeals court directly in his speech on Wednesday.
