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Judge Declares Mistrial In Bundy Case, Says Government Willfully Withheld Evidence

Judge Declares Mistrial In Bundy Case, Says Government Willfully Withheld Evidence

In a shocking verdict, Judge Gloria Navarro dismissed jurors Wednesday, declaring a mistrial in the Bundy Ranch case saying U.S. prosecutors willfully withheld critical and "potentially exculpatory" evidence from the defense.

Seemingly confirming what Cliven Bundy's son said during his opening statement:

"The indictment and grand jury testimony is full of lies. Truth has been blocked in previous trials.


"Give Us The Man, We Will Make The Case": Civil Forfeiture, RussiaGate, And The Police State

"Give Us The Man, We Will Make The Case": Civil Forfeiture, RussiaGate, And The Police State

Authored by Jim Jatras via,

When do we realize we’re already living in a police state?

Maybe one clue is when our betters make a point of assuring us that we aren’t. Here’s Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein testifying before a House Judiciary Committee inquiry into political bias in the Robert Mueller “Russia-gate” investigation:

Constitutional Law Attorney Says Mueller's Seizure Of Transition Emails "Likely Violated The Law"

Constitutional Law Attorney Says Mueller's Seizure Of Transition Emails "Likely Violated The Law"

Over the weekend, reports surfaced that Special Counsel Robert Mueller may have inappropriately taken possession of "many tens of thousands" of emails from the Trump transition team, obtained through the General Services Administration - the government agency responsible for hosting the transition email system which used a "" address, without getting the necessary search warrants and/or subpoenas.

Trump Judicial Nominee Who Bungled Basic Legal Questions, Withdraws After Humiliating Hearing

Trump Judicial Nominee Who Bungled Basic Legal Questions, Withdraws After Humiliating Hearing

President Trump's nominee to fill a vacant D.C. District Court Judge seat has withdrawn his name from consideration after an embarrassing video went viral of him bungling basic legal questions at his confirmation hearing on December 13. 

Matthew Petersen

Matthew Petersen, a member of the Federal Election Commission and former Obama-appointed Chairman of the regulatory agency, struggled to answer a series of questions by Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) that any attorney should be able to answer.

Man Says "Russian Mind Control" Forced Him To Kill His Mother

Man Says "Russian Mind Control" Forced Him To Kill His Mother

Russian President Vladimir Putin has been blamed for a lot of nefarious actions lately.

From swaying the US election in Donald Trump’s favor to orchestrating the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union, paranoid Democrats have apparently convinced themselves that there’s no geopolitical disaster that Putin didn’t have a hand in.

And now, one deranged Bakersfield, Calif. man is blaming “Russian Mind Control” for driving him to murder his own mother.
