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Appeals Court To Hear Immigration Ban Arguments On Tuesday Evening

On Monday evening, a Federal Appeals Court announced that the legal showdown with the Trump Administration will take place on Tuesday evening around 6pm, when the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals will hear oral arguments on whether to restore President Trump’s executive action on immigration and refugees. Oral arguments will be made by phone, with each side getting 30 minutes of argument time. A recording of the call will be made public after the hearing.

Woman Sex Victim Who Fell Out Of Police Cruiser Awarded $3.5M

A $3.5 million settlement lawsuit filed against the city of Los Angeles by a woman who fell out of a police car in 2013, while handcuffed and fending off an alleged rape attack, has been granted by a judge. Los Angeles taxpayers are on the hook to yet again pay for their police department’s misconduct. The Free Thought Project reports: Kim Nguyen had been arrested for alleged public drunkenness, handcuffed, and put in the back of a Los Angeles Police Department patrol car.

As Trump Breaks Twitter Silence, Meet His Legal Nemesis "So-Called Judge" James Robart

As Trump Breaks Twitter Silence, Meet His Legal Nemesis "So-Called Judge" James Robart

While the legal sequence of events focusing on Trump's controversial immigration order is now focusing on the next rulings out of the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, which may well culminate at the Supreme Court, the man who launched this weekend's legal firestorm is James Robart, the federal judge for the United States District Court for the Western District of Washington, who temporarily blocked President Trump's immigration order.

‘Protected’ Paedophile Bishop Freed After Serving Half His Sentence

A former Bishop of Gloucester who managed to evade prosecution for decades after intervention by a member of the Royal family, Cabinet Ministers and a Lord Chief Justice, has been released from prison Peter Ball, a close pal of Prince Charles, was freed after serving only half his sentence for child sex abuse. Victims of the ‘calculating’ paedophile has been demanding that letters sent to him by the Prince are made public. The Telegraph reports: He escaped justice over the same charges years earlier after he was given support by a member of the Royal family and Establishment figures.
