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FSB Cybersecurity Spies Charged With Treason Working For US

Two senior FSB officers of Russia state security and a high-level cybersecurity manager at Kaspersky Lab are facing official treason charges in Russia for working in the interests of the United States. They could each face up to 20 years in prison if convicted. reports: Ruslan Stoyanov, head of Kaspersky Lab’s computer incidents investigations unit, Sergey Mikhailov, a senior Russian FSB officer, and his deputy Dmitry Dokuchayev are accused of “treason in favor of the US,” lawyer Ivan Pavlov said on Wednesday, as cited by Interfax.

Over 100,000 Visas Revoked Due To Trump Travel Ban

Update: The State Department has contradicted the Justice Department lawyer who previously told a federal judge that over 100,000 visas were revoked to comply with Trump’s temporary ban on travel from seven countries. The actual number is about 40,000 lower according to the State Dept: “Fewer than 60,000 individuals’ visas were provisionally revoked to comply with the Executive Order,” said Will Cocks, spokesperson for the department’s Bureau of Consular Affairs.

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Canadian Mint Worker Sentenced To 30 Months For Smuggling $140,000 Of Gold In His Rectum

Canadian Mint Worker Sentenced To 30 Months For Smuggling $140,000 Of Gold In His Rectum

In September we reported that an employee of the Royal Canadian Mint smuggled C$180,000 (USD $140,000) in gold from the fortress-like facility, evading multiple levels of detection with a time-honoured prison trick: hiding the precious metal up his butt.

Having been found guilty in November ("wait, what gold coins, where?"), 35-year-old Leston Lawrence was sentenced to 30 months in prison today, by a judge whose name was 'Doody'.

Hundreds Arrested In Huge Los Angeles Pedo Ring Bust

Hundreds of people were arrested as part of a huge pedophile ring and human trafficking bust in Los Angeles on Saturday.  Over 30 federal, state and local law enforcement agencies participated in “Operation Reclaim and Rebuild,” which saw dozens of sexually abused children rescued. reports: In total, 474 arrests were made, including 142 males on solicitation charges, and 36 males on suspicion of pimping, according to figures provided by the Sheriff’s Department. Additionally, 28 commercially and sexually exploited children and 27 adult victims were rescued.
