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Hate Crime Hearing: Four Adult Teens Who Beat Mentally Disabled Man Shielded From Public Scrutiny By Chicago Judge

Hate Crime Hearing: Four Adult Teens Who Beat Mentally Disabled Man Shielded From Public Scrutiny By Chicago Judge

Why am I not surprised?

A day after cameras were barred from the courtroom, Chicago judge Peggy Chiampas prohibited sketch artists from drawing the faces of the four adult defendants in the live-streamed kidnapping, torture, and mutilation of an 18 year old mentally handicapped classmate.

Argentine Judge Orders Arrest Of Local Uber Executives, Shut Down Of Uber Mobile App

Argentine Judge Orders Arrest Of Local Uber Executives, Shut Down Of Uber Mobile App

While Uber is dealing with fallout from its response to Trump's Friday immigration order, when it tweeted it would pause surge pricing, which was taken as a form of "strike breaking," whilst simultaneously profiting off the situation, and its actions were seen as seeking to grab market share from striking taxi drivers, leading to a #DeleteUber meme spreading across social networks, it has a more tangible problem in Argentina, where Buenos Aires prosecutor Martin Lapadi moments ago requested the arrest of local Uber executives, and ordered the shut down of the company's mobile application.

The Justice System Is Criminal — Paul Craig Roberts

The Justice System Is Criminal

Paul Craig Roberts

On January 23, 2017, I asked, “Are Americans Racists?” I pointed out examples where racist explanations prevail over empirical fact. I did not write that there is no racism in America. I said that racism is not the be-all and end-all explanation of American history and institutions. The point I made is that racist explanations are often inadequate and both work against racial harmony and blind us to more general and more serious problems.

LAPD Chief Refuses to Enforce Trump Immigration Law

LAPD Chief Refuses to Enforce Trump Immigration Law

With 'sanctuary' cities across America furiously defiant over the new administration's threats to halt Obama's taxpayer-funded law-breaking, AP reports that President Trump is reviving a program that deputizes local officers to enforce federal immigration law.

The program received scant attention as Trump announced on the same day his plans to build a border wall and hire thousands more federal agents as he looks to fulfill promises from his campaign.


Clinton Friend Jeffrey Epstein Accused Of Child Sex Trafficking

Jeffrey Epstein, long-time friend of Bill and Hillary Clinton, faces fresh allegations of operating a child sex trafficking operation involving powerful figures in Washington D.C. According to reports, Epstein is being accused luring a young woman into a pedophile ring he operated by making false promises. reports: From The Daily Mail: Disgraced Wall Street mogul Jeffrey Epstein is being accused by a woman of luring her into his elaborate sex trafficking enterprise under the ruse he would use his wealth and connections to get her into college.
