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"What The Hell Is Going On In Chicago" And Other Highlights From Trump's Speech To FBI Grads

"What The Hell Is Going On In Chicago" And Other Highlights From Trump's Speech To FBI Grads

With the feud between the White House and FBI growing bigger by the day, you light of FBI Agent Peter Strzok's efforts to collude with Deputy Director Andrew McCabe to institute an "insurance policy" intended to make sure Trump would never win in 2016, no one had any idea what to expect when Trump took the stage earlier this morning to address graduates of the FBI National Academy in Quantico, VA. 

Russia's Former Economy Minister Sentenced To 8 Years In Jail

Russia's Former Economy Minister Sentenced To 8 Years In Jail

Last November, one week after Trump's election and just as the "Russian collusion" narrative in the US was getting warmed up, we reported a bizarre incident in the top echelons, one in which Russia's Economy Minister Alexey Ulyukayev was arrested on suspicion of taking a $2 million bribe in return for his ministry’s support of a positive assessment that would allow state oil company Rosneft to complete a deal to purchase the government's stake in another Russian oil major, Bashneft, after he was monitored and his cell phone was bugged by the FSB for more than a year.

"I Don't Want To Talk About That Yet" - Trump Refuses To Discuss Possible Flynn Pardon

Shortly before delivering a speech at the FBI National Academy Graduation Ceremony, President Trump on Friday refused to rule out a pardon for former national security adviser Michael Flynn, who has already pleaded guilty to one count of lying to the bureau and has offered to cooperate with Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe.

"I don’t want to talk about pardons for Michael Flynn yet,” Trump told reporters at the White House. "We'll see what happens. Let's see."

Trial Of Shkreli Lawyer Interrupted By "Potentially Career-Ending" Allegations About Prosecutor

Trial Of Shkreli Lawyer Interrupted By "Potentially Career-Ending" Allegations About Prosecutor

The ongoing legal drama of former pharmaceutical CEO Martin Shkreli and his one-time lawyer (and alleged co-conspirator) just keeps getting weirder.

On Thursday, CNBC reported that the trial of Evan Greebel, a lawyer accused of helping Shkreli loot his pharmaceutical company Retrophin, has been temporarily put on hold after “potentially career-ending allegations” about a government official involved in both Shkreli’s and Greebel’s prosecution reportedly were raised by Greebel’s attorneys.
