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Volkswagen Tells Its Managers Not To Travel To The US

n the last days of the Obama administration, the outgoing president has taken on a surprising urgency in closing "open" cases of alleged fraud, if mostly involving foreign carmakers. Case in point, this week's $4.3 billion settlement with Volkswagen to put the diesel emmisions scandal to rest, and yesterday's unexpected accusation by the EPA that Fiat was likely engaging in a similar scheme to defraud the US government of its true emissions.

"Deeply Concerned" Schumer To Vote Against Sessions, Fears For "Immigrant, Gay, Disabled, & Young" Americans

In a tweet-tempest this morning, Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) has confirmed he opposes Sen. Jeff Sessions, President-elect Donald Trump's nominee to serve as attorney general.

Video: Sheriff Caught Stealing Meth From Evidence Room

A Charleston, West Virginia man was just elected Sheriff despite being caught stealing meth from his previous employer’s evidence room and also being photographed outside a drug rehab clinic in December. Sheriff Matthew Bo Williams just took office last Sunday. The following Tuesday he was arrested and charged with stealing crystal meth from his previous employer’s evidence room. The question has to be asked: if our elections mean anything, how can an admitted drug addict become the Sheriff of a town overrun with narcotics and corruption?

2016 Chicago Homicides Even Higher Than Originally Reported

2016 Chicago Homicides Even Higher Than Originally Reported

2016 was a record breaking year for the city of Chicago, unfortunately just not in any positive ways.  Throughout 2016 we noted several grim milestones that plagued the Windy City: the deadliest month in 23 years, the deadliest day in 13 years, 4,300 people shot...the list goes on and on.  And, as we noted a couple of weeks ago, when it was all said and done Chicago was thought to have recorded around 762 murders in 2016 (see "Chicago Violence Worst In 20 Years: 'Not Seen This Level Of Disrespect For Police Ever'").  To put those numbers into perspective, Chicago recorded o
