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Police Are Calling For Criminal Investigation Into Netanyahu Affairs

Police are calling for a full-blown criminal probe into a corruption case which involves the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Israel’s Channel 2 said on Monday that police had recently gained access to a new document in a secret case which was opened nine months ago. Press TV reports: After receiving the documentation of receiving bribes and engaging in aggravated fraud, police called on Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit to permit the operating of a full criminal probe into Netanyahu’s affairs.

DHS Snatches Girl From Mother, Places Child With Pedophile

A rogue DHS worker has snatched a young girl from her mother and awarded custody to a known pedophile, under the guise of ‘protecting her’.  Christi MacLaren says that her 6-year-old daughter’s life is in danger after her estranged husband, a known child abuser, has been allowed to take custody of their child. reports: Lenzo has allegedly sexually abused his daughter which is what started this nightmare.

America’s Top Climate Change Expert Sentenced To Jail For Fraud

The United States’ highest paid climate change expert has been sentenced to 32 months in federal prison on fraud charges. John C. Beale’s crimes were “inexplicable” and “unbelievably egregious,” said Judge Ellen Huvelle in imposing the sentence in a Washington. D.C. federal court. Beale drew a $200,000 plus salary per year and regularly travelled around the world staying high end hotels – all at the taxpayer’s expense – while claiming to be saving the world from global warming as well as working for the CIA on covert assignments. What else do you think he has been lying about?

5 Laws That Could Send Santa To Federal Prison

5 Laws That Could Send Santa To Federal Prison

Submitted by David Rosenthal via The Foundation for Economic Education,

While most people know Jolly Old Saint Nick as a friendly figure, he too is not immune from the perils of administrative overreach and overcriminalization.

To get you in the Christmas spirit, here is a list of some of the potential crimes and violations of federal law Saint Nick as he prepares to take flight for 2016.

1. The Reindeer Act
