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Trump Transition Team Member Fired For Spreading “Fake News”

Donald Trump has reportedly fired a member of his transition team for spreading a ‘fake news’ story about an alleged child sex ring involving Hillary Clinton and her campaign chief, John Podesta. The decision to remove Michael Flynn Jr., the son of incoming national security advise retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn,  came from Trump himself, two transition officials said. The “fake news” story was apparently the motive behind an alleged armed incident at Comet Ping Pong, a Washington pizzeria on Sunday. Though many believe the incident itself was a false flag event. RT reports: Michael G.

'Footloose' Comes To Brussels - Europe Unleashes "Dance Tax"

'Footloose' Comes To Brussels - Europe Unleashes "Dance Tax"

"Everybody cut loose".. but be prepared to pay for it in Europe. As Martin Armstrong notes, if you dance in a bar in Brussels, you must pay a tax!

The patrons of Bonnefooi, a cafe in the center of Brussels, last week received a visit from a City inspector.

The inspector asked them to pay the “tax dance.” Yes you read correctly. Brussels has a “dancing tax” written in the 50´s and as the government needs money, they have “revitalized” this tax since 2014

Bernie Camp Threatens To Sue Project Veritas After Video Revealed "Egregious Violation Of Campaign Finance Law"

The former deputy campaign manager for Bernie Sanders, Richard Pelletier, has sent a letter to Project Veritas threatening a lawsuit over his recording of a phone call, which Pelletier claims violated Nevada wiretapping laws.  The phone call was related to the following undercover video published by Project Veritas back in February, potentially revealing that the Bernie campaign violated campaign finance laws by funding members of the Australian Labor Party to "deface and/or destroy campaign materials and signs of Sanders’ opponents — on both sides of the political aisle."  

The "Pizzagate" Arrest: Police Release Criminal Complaint Against Comet Restaurant Shooter

The "Pizzagate" Arrest: Police Release Criminal Complaint Against Comet Restaurant Shooter

As we reported last night, the "Pizzagate" scandal took a turn for the bizarre, when a man with an assault rifle walked into the Comet Ping Pong restaurant on Sunday afternoon to "self-investigate" the popular Washington pizza parlor owned by James Alefantis that has been accused of being an international child sex ring run by prominent Democrats, following the release of Podesta emails. 28-year-old Edgar Maddison Welch, of Salisbury, N.C., fired the rifle at least once inside the restaurant but no one was injured, before he turned himself in.
