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“Fake News” Has Been a Problem for Thousands of Years … Here’s How It’s Been Stopped

Throughout history, government officials have tried to stop "fake news" through various means before it was published.

The crime of the peddlers of fake news: failing to acknowledge that those in power were perfect saints.


For example, Socrates was killed in 399 BC for spreading "fake news".

His crime: “Failing to acknowledge the gods that the [mainstream media of the day] acknowledges”.


William Tyndale was killed in 1536 for spreading "fake news".

Bombshell: Breitbart Murdered After Exposing Clinton Pedo Ring

Andrew Breitbart may have been murdered after uncovering evidence of a pedophile ring in Washington D.C. that directly implicated the Clinton’s.  According to Internet sleuths, Breitbart was very vocal that Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair, John Podesta, was connected to a child sex ring in Washington that very likely included the Clinton’s and their cronies. Just weeks after Andrew Brietbart began going public on his findings, he was found dead under mysterious circumstances. Worryingly, his coroner was found dead just weeks later too. A tweet by Mr.

Taxman Looks Into Bitcoin Wallets For Virtual Money

A federal judge in California has ordered bitcoin wallet service Coinbase Inc. to hand over records of all American user transactions from 2013 to 2015 to the IRS, as part of a tax evasion investigation. reports: On Wednesday, the Northern California District Court allowed the Internal Revenue Service to issue a “John Doe” summons to Coinbase in the pursuit of “information about US taxpayers who conducted transactions in a convertible virtual currency during the years 2013 to 2015,” the US Department of Justice said.

FBI Can Now Legally Hack Your Phone, PC, Or Any Device

As of December 1st, the FBI and other agencies can a obtain warrant from a judge that will allow them to remotely control any of your devices, opening up enormous potential for abuse by those in power. While the mainstream media stokes fear about Trump’s potential for corruption, the fact is, this strategy has already been snuck into law behind the people’s backs – and will be in the hands of anyone in the future. How much do you trust the government and three letter agencies with your devices?
